Minecraft Server List

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Beecraft: Nation States

Beecraft: Nation States

Beecraft - Nation States
A geopolitical minecraft server dedicated to discouraging raiding and griefing, and encouraging diplomacy, competition, subterfuge and planned siege warfare.
We have a few custom plugins with more on the way! We use TownyCombat to enhance the vanilla combat system. We use SiegeWar to create a grief-free and fun war system. TownyResources to bring in a passive income to your towns whilst creating a non-toxic incentive for nations to take over towns.

We have a carefully monitored economy where you complete missions and play our assortment of mini games to earn money! Play MobArena, Infinite-Parkour, Paintball, Spleef and Building Battle - which is like pictionary for minecraft. We have custom mini games planned for development. Create permanent ChestShops for passive income or sell something big on the auction!

Our goal with this server is to create a non-toxic, fun and civil environment to engage in diplomacy and non-griefing war. All treaties are enforced by staff, as are Constitutions and Laws that you optionally write for your towns and nations! You're able to break the constitution by winning a rebellion. IE A President of a republic must give up his power at the end of his term unless he has been smart enough to either find a loophole in his nation's constitution or he has been cunning enough to pull off a coup! It is not necessary to write constitutions or laws for your towns or nations.


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Beecraft: Nation States

Players: 0 / 0

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Votes: 0

Owner: Wrenthen

Created: over 2 years ago

Last Updated: over 2 years ago

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