Minecraft Server List

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MineVele Network

MineVele Network
Minevele is a brand new server that is dedicated to bringing players a unique experience that have will ensure everyone to have fun. Our mission is to bring you the best of features and an amazing gameplay. Our developers are working hard 24/7 to ensure that the network is running properly and to ensure that everyone is satisfied. Our network also comes with a custom anti-cheat to ensure that everyone is playing fairly without any unfair advantages over the others players of the network. We strive to secure and improve our network 24/7.

GenBukkits | Unique Gameplay | Custom Network | And much more!


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MineVele Network

Players: 0 / 500

Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.14.x

Votes: 0

Owner: JasminDaGamer20

Created: over 5 years ago

Last Updated: over 5 years ago

Motd: play.minevele.com https://minevele.com