Minecraft Server List

Members Online: 156
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Server IP: Play.AmirMCs.com

From the developer of McMMO website, we present you AmirMCs

The game enables the player to roam infinitely long across the plains together with their friends. Exploring, interacting in guilds, participating in conflicts, team hunts, questing and designing and claiming your own house are just a few features of our server which are different to other games as the individual skill of the player, the personal game-play, impacts these features such as the profitability of a hunt, the outcome of a quest and the hierarchic standing of the player within the community.


Features include:

- Trading & Auction Lists

- Economy ran by the players

- Tight & Friendly community

- Free Ranks

- Mob and player heads


- Player Shops

- Jobs

- Economy

- Pets

- Anti-grief system

- Land claims

- Teleport to friends and play with them! /tpa

- Random TPs

- Update Patches for players to keep track

.. and much more

Hosted on a 24/7 dedicated host in Europe


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Players: 0 / 200

Version: Paper 1.19.3

Votes: 0

Owner: amiroslo

Created: about 1 year ago

Last Updated: about 1 year ago

Motd: --[ AmirMC ]--[ 1.19.3 ]----- --[Survival, Community, Economy]--