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Harmony Falls SMP - Voice Chat!

Harmony Falls SMP - Voice Chat!
About the server :
Harmony Falls is set in hard mode survival. We would love for our players to act maturely. The staff will try their hardest to do the best for the players. We try to conduct the server in a semi-serious manner so we will try to be professional. Feel free to ask us in the Discord any questions you have! We want to be approachable. We try to consistently add something new for you to see!
Features our server includes :
Proximity Chat ~ Using the Simple Voice Chat mod, you can connect more with the community!
Towny & Economy ~ Build your own town/clan, establish relations with other clans, and trade or wage war with other clans/players.
PVP ~ Engage in epic battles against mobs or challenge others in the arenas. Practice against gladiator NPCs in the arena, or wage war on other players! Keep in mind that this PvP aspect is fully optional, as PvP is toggle-able within Harmony Falls SMP!
RPG Elements ~ Level up your skills, choose your path, and embark on epic quests. This server has MCMMO, albeit only for a few skills! We’re currently working hard on adding the other skills!
Lore ~ We want the server to have lots of lore and story! Currently, you can find NPC’s with lore and server lore in our custom-made museum! Players are also encouraged to make their own lore! We also plan on doing lore-related events!
Events ~ Participate in events, tournaments, and competitions to win prizes. Examples of such include hide and seek tournaments, murder mystery, build competitions, and many many more!
Custom reskinned Items ~ You can win these things from daily crates and events!
Custom Advancements ~ 1000+ advancements to purse!
Language Support ~ We plan on having this added in the future as soon as it is done!
Bosses ~ New INSANE bosses being added all the time!


About the crates :
We have 4 types of crates; Vote, Community, Booster, and Seasonal.
Vote - When voting for the server you get keys to open it!
Community - You get 1 key weekly, the crate has custom items members of the community make!
Booster - You get a key for every boost on the discord. We did not have to do this but it is in a way us thanking you for doing this!
Seasonal - This crate is rotating loot that matches the seasons and holidays IRL! Win keys by winning events or doing fun activities in-game!


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Harmony Falls SMP - Voice Chat!

Players: 4 / 50

Version: Purpur 1.21.1

Votes: 96

Owner: HarmonyFalls

Created: about 1 year ago

Last Updated: 4 months ago

Motd: Harmony Falls SMP - [1.21.1]Bosses | Quests | Fantasy | Proximity VC
