毛线物语服务器致力于提供简单、可靠、最小化限制的联机 Minecraft 原版生存游戏体验。
The NyaaCat server is dedicated to providing a simple, reliable, and minimally restrictive online Minecraft original survival gaming experience.
The NyaaCat server is a public service, non-profit, original survival server. This server does not set permissions beyond survival players and administrators, and does not ask for any personal privacy, money, or items.
We do not charge for any items and please do not trust any third party trading practices associated with this server.
Admins will not add admin prefixes or suffixes to themselves, if needed please summon an admin in the group.
Please do not trust any information that involves your privacy or property, please do not disclose, enter your account password or payment information to anyone that is not mojang official or claims to be mojang official.
New players will be given some in-game coins, please do not believe in fraudulent or luring malicious players to buy non-equivalent items or transfer money at high prices. Please keep a clear head and know right from wrong.
Players: 30 / 512
Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4
Votes: 0
Owner: phoenixlzx
Created: about 1 year ago
Last Updated: about 1 year ago
Motd: 喵窝 | 毛玉线圈物语 | 1.21.1 NyaaCat Server Networks www.nyaa.cat