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The Paranoid SMP

The Paranoid SMP

Join the new, high-quality, lag-free and free-to-win server. The Paranoid SMP offers a lot do discover, from trading to fighting with other players, the Paranoid SMP provides everything "Free-To-Win", meaning "Non-Pay-To-Win"! You are able to join with the Java and Bedrock Edition on any version. As soon as you join, we will be handed a starter kit, from where you can do /rtp to start playing! If you kill another player you will be rewarded with one heart, if you get killed by another player you will get a heart taken. This makes this server also a lifesteal server. We do have a marketplace where people can offer the items they choose to, or you can trade directly with other players by right-clicking them or doing /trade {player}. There's no grief protection on our server, so hide your base well! For example underground or really high in the sky.

Our Community is the most important aspect of our server, that's why we chose to make it a non-pay-to-win server. We involve the community, for example, by having a suggestion channel in our Discord Server, where you can suggest new features. We also offer a bug report feature for our players, to improve the player quality. On our Discord Server, we have the so called "Media Rank", which is also available on our Minecraft Server. If you a content creator on various platforms like YouTube or TikTok, you will be given this Rank, which gives you features specially created for your rank!

We regulary host events on our server, such as the "Legend of the Season 1" Event, where you can win a free copy of minecraft.

Check our Website or join our Discord Server for more information regarding Events, or you can join for any other questions you have:
Website: https://www.paranoidsmp.com
Discord: https://discord.gg/ccS8HQVjXw

Contact Us:
E-Mail: [email protected]


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The Paranoid SMP

Players: 0 / 125

Version: §a0/125

Votes: 0

Owner: Alex_0008

Created: 11 months ago

Last Updated: 11 months ago

Motd: fff The Paranoid SMP Season 1 is on Now! fff www.paranoidsmp.com for more Information!