Minecraft Server List

Members Online: 217
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DupyWars is a dupe server with almost no rules. Any client modifications are allowed.

**Follow the guides on the signs (You will see them once you join) to get started. **

Basic Commands:


- /dupe - Duplicates the item that you are holding

- /world - Teleports you to the spawn location of the overworld

- /void - Teleports you to the spawn location of the void world


More commands can be found by using /help


This server allows any type of game client modifications and do not limit them (Unless they affect the stability of the server or is incompatible with Vanilla Minecraft)


Bedrock players may join too. Just change the port to 19132


The only 3 rules:


Do not participate in crashing/lagging the server in any form.


Do not promote anything unrelated to this server. (Selling in-game items is OK)


Do not spam in chat


Server Location (In case you need a proxy to improve the connection quality): California, United States


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IP Address

Players: 3 / 27

Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.21.4

Votes: 0

Owner: potatolover123

Created: 8 days ago

Last Updated: 8 days ago

Motd: 1.20.6+mc.dupywars.xyz
