Minecraft Server List

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LostCraft Reborn

LostCraft Reborn
Server IP: lostcraftreborn.com:25565
Server Version: 1.15.2
Server Style: Factions, economy based survival
Server plugins and features: Factions, mcMMO, jobs, player shops, homes, bloodmoon, and more
Server Website: https://lostcraftreborn.com
Useful Starter guide: https://www.lostcraftreborn.com/index.php?route=/forum/topic/8-starter-commands/
Why LostCraft?:

LostCraft Reborn is a modern alternative to the massive 400 player communities with 15 servers and 73.2 minigames. With a small but growing playerbase, I've invested myself into creating a community experience, not just an A.D.D riddled minigames lobby. Dedicated to never being a pay to win server, there is currently no donation process at all. Ranks are achieved through simply playing the game.

Hardware. Minecraft these days is painfully unoptimized. Running a successful server on a tiny shared hosting package just isn't feasible. LCR runs on an i7 7700 dedicated machine with 32GB ram. Minecraft isn't using all of this ram but it's there when I need it. Running on an SSD, disk write speeds and chunk loading are smooth. With a 1G/sec port, based in New York, I've been able to offer players from the UK to the netherlands, to california in the us, a solid stable connection and ping.

With an integrated server, website and discord, we offer an experience you're not likely to get elsewhere. Drop by. Be part of a new community.


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LostCraft Reborn

Players: 0 / 48

Version: Paper 1.16.1

Votes: 0

Owner: djl0st12

Created: over 5 years ago

Last Updated: over 4 years ago

Motd: LostCraft Reborn1.15.2Factions Survival https://lostcraftreborn.com for news and updates