Minecraft Server List

Members Online: 152
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General FarmWars Information - Seasons last 2 months, then there is a complete reset and new features are added to the server - At the end of each season there is 1 winner, the person that is #1 on /baltop - We currently have 2 different economies ($/dollars and Mobcoins - collected via killing hostile mobs) - Our world is currently made up of 1 layer of bedrock at layer Y=0 with a 2000 block world border - We have a tick-speed of 50 which makes farming more fast paced and interesting


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Players: 0 / 20

Version: PaperSpigot 1.8.8

Votes: 0

Owner: Meu94

Created: over 4 years ago

Last Updated: over 4 years ago

Motd: A Minecraft Server