Minecraft Server List

Members Online: 280
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BFB Norway [Norwegian | English]

BFB Norway [Norwegian | English]
Rules: Don't abuse your permissions Don't cheat or use any sort of hacks No spamming in chat No advertising Don't ask to get staff/OP No racism Respect all players/staff Extra info: Just because it is a norwegian server you don't have to be norwegian to join! We allow any player to join, you can speak english and norwegian ingame!


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BFB Norway [Norwegian | English]

Players: 0 / 2019

Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.14.x

Votes: 0

Owner: N00bSkills

Created: over 7 years ago

Last Updated: over 7 years ago

Motd: CubedCraft Network [1.8 -> 1.14] ? PlayerServers // TNTWars // Warzone ?