Minecraft Server List

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Kingdom Craft
About Us:
Kingdom Craft has many different options when you first join. You could choose from Classic Factions, Skyblock which has custom islands, custom enchants and much more, or you could choose Survival which has custom jobs, McMMo, custom weather plugin, we also have a brand new mode that's called Towny Creative which combines two things people love Creative and Towny!

IP: kingdomcraft.us

Factions - ClassicTNT, Factions Top, McMMo, GUIShop, CustomTNTCannons

Creative - Towny, Rewards, Crates, Quests

Skyblock, CustomIslands, Crates, Pets, IslandFly, TokenShop, Mines, Farms

Survival - Jobs, Backpacks, CustomWeather, Market, Auctions

IP: kingdomcraft.us


Factions - *FTOP* 1st place: $200 , 2nd Place Free Rank, 3rd place Free Ranked Kit

Creative - *BEST TOWN* 1st place: $20 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

SkyBlock - *ISLAND TOP* 1st Place: $50 PayPal + 500,000 in-game cash, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit + 200,000 in-game caash, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit + 100,000 in-game cash

Survival - *MOST TIME PLAYED* 1st Place: $25 PayPal, 2nd Place: $10 in-store credit, 3rd Place: $5 in-store credit

*each prize is given quarterly*

IP: kingdomcraft.us
Discord: https://discord.gg/hbdhj4j
Website: https://www.kingdomcraft.us/


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Kingdom Craft

Players: 0 / 500

Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.16.x

Votes: 0

Owner: intrxsivee

Created: over 4 years ago

Last Updated: over 4 years ago

Motd: Kingdom Craft [ 1.12 - 1.16 ] Custom Islands, $300 Top Island, Custom Hoppers