Minecraft Server List

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Cloudcraft is a brand new server based in North America.
We ensure an awesome and fun experience on through our Custom Minigames (Coming soon), and Economy Survival!

Our server needs beta testers as well as responsible staff members.
Our Custom Minigames include a Sumo game, Spleef, Ice Boat Racing, and Door Wars (Bed Wars). We also have a small range of custom parkour maps that we are expanding on constantly, and our build team is working hard to always make a better experience for our players.


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Players: 0 / 100

Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.16.x

Votes: 0

Owner: ctrs

Created: over 4 years ago

Last Updated: over 4 years ago

Motd: Cloudcraft | Economy Survival, Minigames, and Parkour Join today!