Minecraft Server List

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Schway Hub
#1 Arising Minecraft Server!

I am a Youtuber and this is my way of giving back to the community and expanding to others! We have a custom-created version of Bedwars where you get paid to win! Instead of paying to win, it's paid for winning!
Simply redeem your earnings by opening a ticket on discord and you'll be richer than you were before!

mc.schway.ca | https://schway.ca 


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Schway Hub

Players: 0 / 100

Version: BungeeCord 1.8.x-1.19.x

Votes: 0

Owner: SchwayYT

Created: over 3 years ago

Last Updated: over 2 years ago

Motd: ----------|- LispPvP.net -|---------- All the PvP you love