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The Pseudo Force SMP

The Pseudo Force SMP

seriously? another season? grow up lol

We welcome you to The Pseudo Force SMP! A certified introvert friendly space™️ because no one joins :(

Explore the vast lands of custom terrain with improved structures and landscape! Gain skill levels by performing various actions! (not that kind you dirty mind!) Ease the vanilla gameplay a little bit with graves and teleport waypoints (look! someone's been playing a lot of genshin impact lately) Play survival the way you like it!

The Pseudo Force SMP Minecraft Survival Multiplayer server, created as a community server for the Pseudo Force YouTube channel[ team but made public later on. The server's 6th season shutdown gracefully with positive reviews on may of 2022 due to hosting constraints. This season, aptly named "The Revival", is currently running on Minecraft 1.19.3 and compatible with both Java and Bedrock.

Join our Discord server for status updates and changelogs: https://dsc.gg/pseudoforceyt

Visit the server homepage for navigating to the Live 3D World Viewer and Feature list https://pseudoforceyt.github.io/smp


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The Pseudo Force SMP

Players: 0 / 50

Version: Velocity 1.7.2-1.18.2

Votes: 0

Owner: PseudoPanda

Created: over 3 years ago

Last Updated: over 2 years ago

Motd: Discord Server: dsc.gg/pseudosmp