Minecraft Server List

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Wasteland - World of Wizards

Wasteland - World of Wizards
What is MineCraft ? The answer is out there, and it's looking for you, and it will find you if you want it to. Unfortunately, no one can be told what MineCraft is. You have to see it for yourself

The Wasteland server is for children of all ages. We are not trying to be the biggest server, but to be a place for people to hang out, and play their part on the server. 

The server is managed by Signe and Michael, we are both parents of children on the server and we are helping to keep an eye on that everyone is having fun. We have previously had a MineCraft server running for a couple of years and Michael has been around in the online game universe for the past 20 years, where he has also managed servers for various online games. Signe is an experienced online player, and is among other things helping to manage a large clan of about 150 people in the game Dungeons & Dragons - Neverwinter Online. In short, we have experience in how a good mood is achieved and how best to avoid or solve conflicts.

- Advanced Portals 
- CoreProtect 
- CraftBay 
- CreeperHeal 
- Dynmap 
- Essentials 
- Jobs 
- MCBans 
- Modern-LWC 
- Multiverse 
- PopulationDensity 
- QuickShop 
- Residence 
- Smoothsleep 
- UltimateTimber 
- Votifier
- WorldBorder 
- mcMMO 
- mcMMOHorses


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Wasteland - World of Wizards

Players: 0 / 50

Version: Paper 1.14.4

Votes: 0

Owner: SkyderEfterLyde

Created: over 6 years ago

Last Updated: over 6 years ago

Motd: NEW IP: WorldOfWizards.Online