Minecraft Server List

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T3K Minecraft Survival

T3K Minecraft Survival
. :The Three Kings: . is a clan that has been around since 2010! We are a U.S. West Coast based clan with people that play all sorts of games. We focus on all genres in gaming, playing games like CS:GO, Battlefield, Borderlands, Minecraft, Quake Champions, World of Warcraft, AoE:II and many more! We accept all walks of life to join our clan, we are non-discriminatory and welcome you (be sure you are the same.)
Please look below to see if you have what it takes to join!

Join Now! Head to T3KGaming.com!


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T3K Minecraft Survival

Players: 0 / 50

Version: Spigot 1.19.2

Votes: 0

Owner: Icildor

Created: over 3 years ago

Last Updated: over 3 years ago

Motd: Welcome to the .:T3K:. MC Survival server! Head to www.T3Kgaming.com to play!