**The server is in fact online via combatmc.xyz, unsure why it's shown as offline here!** Wait! Quit scrolling! Don't miss this opportunity to get involved in a community actively deciding the direction this actively-developed progressive OP factions server takes! (Join the Discord) Â
CombatMC (1.8-1.12) is the rebrand of OP Craft, a popular OP factions server that ran from 2015-2018. Development resumed in early 2020 by a small but dedicated group of factions enthusiasts. As a result CombatMC has evolved into an RPG and adventure-like factions server employing progression mechanics. It's nothing like our competitors who have the primary ambition of profit, we're all for-fun! It's difficult to demonstrate what's special about CombatMC without logging on, and we won't sell you on the "free ranks", etc., and all, but we can guarantee there's something new for all!
CombatMC includes quests, challenges, investment currencies (the more you buy the higher the price grows), daily shops, keys, & bazaar, the best custom enchanting system you'll ever see, bosses, leveling, skills, research, randomized events & boosters, a mail system, 1.7 TNT mechanics, custom vault, home, and kit GUIs amongst the many other mechanics we're trying to perfect!
What do you say? Give us 5 minutes of your time and we'll return the favor with our gratitude. discord.gg/4T4Ur6y5ev