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Ultra Survival
FPSLimiter = 100
uiUnitDistance = mi
PostFXHDRGeneralEnabled = false
GraphicGPU = Intel(R) HD Graphics
PostFXDOFGeneralEnabled = false
restrictScenarios = false
AudioMusicVol = 1
uiUnitWeight = lb
GraphicSyncFullscreen = false
GraphicBorderless = true
PostFXLightRaysEnabled = false
AudioProvider = OpenALSoft
GraphicDisplayDriver = //./DISPLAY1
GraphicResolutions = 1366 768 59
GraphicOverallQuality = 0
GraphicDynReflectionFacesPerupdate = 1548
GraphicAnisotropic = 16
cameraFOVTune = 0
disableSteeringwheel = false
GraphicShaderQuality = 0
GraphicDynReflectionEnabled = false
PostFXSSAOGeneralEnabled = false
disableDynamicCollision = false
GraphicDynReflectionTexsize = 3
GraphicAntialias = 0
AudioInterfaceVol = 1
devMode = true
uiUnitTemperature = f
cameraPosTuneZ = 0
AudioEffectsVol = 1
GraphicFullscreen = true
uiUpscaling = 720
cameraLoadCustomModes = false
GraphicDynReflectionDetail = 1
cameraOrbitRelaxation = 0.5
uiUnitConsumptionRate = imperial
AudioMasterVol = 1
uiUnitVolume = gal
GraphicGamma = 1
GraphicMeshQuality = 0
GraphicRefreshRate = 59
AudioDevice = OpenAL Soft on Alto-falantes (Realtek High Definition Audio)
GraphicDynReflectionDistance = 10
GraphicPostfxQuality = -1
GraphicGrassDensity = 0
GraphicLightingQuality = 0
GraphicTextureQuality = 0
defaultCameraMode = orbit
cameraPosTuneX = 0
cameraChaseRollSmoothing = 0
cameraPosTuneY = 0
uiUnitDate = us
uiUnitPower = bhp
gameplayDefaultShifterMode = 2
cameraTransitionTime = 0
multiseat = false
userLanguage = 
startThermalsPreHeated = false
uiUnitTorque = imperial


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Ultra Survival

Players: 0 / 0

Version: §4⚠ Error

Votes: 0

Owner: Karlio888

Created: over 2 years ago

Last Updated: over 2 years ago

Motd: Server not found.


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